Monday, 16 May 2011

Pseudo Codes

In order to better understand my three ideas, I wrote out some pseudo code. This is the code for the first design:

int a = circle;
int b = square;

void grab(); {

arm a; //arm retrieves the 'a' from the variables at the top (storage)
arm b; (move faster); //dictates the speed the shape moves down the arm

The middle section is the programme. The speed and frequency with which the variables are used changes the design in the centre. The arms retrieve the shape indicated by the variable form the outer edges of the posters. The shapes could move through the arms and into the centre.

This is the code for the second idea:

int a = circle;
int b = diamond;

void draw() {

machine a; //being put through the machine
machine b;

After writing this code I realised the cloning machine acts as the memory. When you place the first shape in (eg circle) the machine, the machine stores it in its memory. You can then get infinite clones of the shape, depending on how many you wish to use.

This is the code for the third idea:

int diamond = colour1; //variable represents different reaction
int square = colour2;

void setup(){

waterContainer (100, 100);


void draw() {

drop diamond; //this specific variable creates unique colour/reaction
drop square;

Dropping the shape triggers the reaction in the water. This represents the triggering of the code's memory, so that it retrieves the variable from the top of the code and implements it in the programme.

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