Monday, 28 March 2011


Technically, transform means to 'change markedly the appearance or form of'. In the case of Processing, you must create a code that allows a change in appearance and form. After browsing sketches on OpenProcessing, I was able to gauge which transformations I preferred, and selected a few of them to look at more closely.

Although this animation is not interactive, I find the colours and shapes pleasing to look at. The build-up of the design is very watchable, as it slowly becomes a 3D optical illusion through a well made, attractive process. The transformation from beginning to end is clear.

What I appreciate about this design is the difference between the starting shape and the end design. The sketch begins as a grey, unassuming rectangle and transforms into a hexagonal pattern. The design you are left with after you have moved the mouse is quite reminiscent of some wallpapers made for the last project...

Both programmes demonstrate what I think of as transformation. Although the first one is not interactive, the empty space of the screen becomes filled with small triangles. The second one transforms the shape within the space. To me, transformation means to alter both fields; the space and the shape.

I haven't yet analysed the codes of the design. I have chosen them purely on aesthetics and personal interest. My next task is to figure out what makes these codes function, so that I can start to form my own concepts of transformation.

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